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Soft law instruments
Soft law instruments
*[ UN, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007] (2007)
*[http://www.hlrn.org/img/documents/A_C.3_73_L.30_EN.pdf UN, Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas ] (2018)
*[ UN, Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements 1996] (1996)
*[http://www.hlrn.org/img/documents/CEDaW_GenCec_34_EN.pdf General recommendation No. 34 on the rights of rural women ] (2016)
*[ UN, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action 1993] (1993)
*[http://www.hlrn.org/img/documents/A_RES_71_256_AR.pdf New Urban Agenda ] (2016)
*[ UN, Non-legally binding authoritative statement of principles for a global consensus on the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests] (1992)
*[http://www.hlrn.org/img/documents/au_declaration_on_land_issues_eng.pdf AU, Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa ] (2009)
*[ UN, Agenda 21, section III, Chapter 32, Strengthening the Role of Farmers] (1992)
*[http://www.hlrn.org/img/documents/Basic%20principles%20and%20Guidelines%20on%20Development-Based%20Evictions%20and%20Displacement.pdf UN, Basic Principles and Guidelines on Development-based Evictions and Displacement] (2007)
*[ UN, Agenda 21, section I, Chapter 7, Promoting Sustainable Human Settlement Development] (1992)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/Rights_of_Indigenous_Peoples.pdf UN, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007] (2007)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/Istanbul_Declaration_on_Human_Settlements.pdf UN, Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements 1996] (1996)
*[http://www.hlrn.org/img/documents/AddisAbabaRefDoc_EN.pdf The Addis Ababa Document on Refugees and Forced Population Displacements in Africa ] (1994)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/Vienna_Declaration_and_Programme_of_Action.pdf UN, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action 1993] (1993)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/Prinicples_for_Global_Consensus_of_Types_of_forests.pdf UN, Non-legally binding authoritative statement of principles for a global consensus on the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests] (1992)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/Strengthening_the_Role_of_farmers.pdf UN, Agenda 21, section III, Chapter 32, Strengthening the Role of Farmers] (1992)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/sustainable_Human_Settlements_Development.pdf UN, Agenda 21, section I, Chapter 7, Promoting Sustainable Human Settlement Development] (1992)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/Rio_Declaration_on_E_and_D.pdf UN, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development] (1992)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/The_Right_to_Development.pdf UN, Declaration on the Right to Development Adopted by General Assembly resolution 41/128 of 4 December 1986] (1986)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/Vancouver_Declaration.pdf UN, The Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlement] (1976)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/ICCPR.pdf UN, The The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 1966] (1966)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/ICESCR.pdf UN, The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) 1966] (1966)
*[http://landpedia.org/landdoc/soft_laws_en/Granting_of_Independence_to_Colonial_Countries_and_Peoples.pdf UN, Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples] (1960)

Latest revision as of 16:59, 8 December 2018

Soft law instruments